Views according Liaoshi Fan et al, Chinese bauxite deposits can be divided into two types: Palaeoweathering bauxite deposits (Type â… ) and lateritic bauxite deposits (Type â…¡). The former category is further divided into four sub-categories: Xiuwen, Xin'an, Pingguo and Zunyi. The latter category has only one sub-category, called the Lipu type. A cosmetic bottle is a container used to store and dispense cosmetic products such as lotions, creams, serums, and oils. These bottles come in different shapes, sizes, and materials such as glass, plastic, and metal. They are designed to protect the contents from air, light, and moisture to maintain their quality and effectiveness. Cosmetic bottles can be fitted with various types of closures such as pumps, sprays, droppers, and screw caps to make it easy to dispense the product. They can also be decorated with labels, logos, and designs to enhance their aesthetic appeal. Cosmetic Bottle,Squeezable Tube Packaging,Aluminum Plastic Tubes,Hand Cream Tubes Suzhou Sanxin Tube Co.,Ltd. ,
1) Xiuwen: Also known as carbonate rock weathering crust, sub-type bauxite deposits. Its origin is related to the carbonated karst red earthification ancient weathering crust. Also, because the iron ore several lacustrine deposition lentils m thick, bauxite is not deposited in situ, but this is close to the nearby lakes laterization weathering between the dry bauxite carbonate rock and the underlying bedrock The shells migrated from different places to accumulate. This type of deposit is typical of the Xiaoba Bauxite deposit in Xiuwen County, Guizhou Province. This is the most important type of bauxite mine in China, and its reserves account for 74.76% of this type (type I).
2) Xin'an type: also known as carbonate rock ancient weathering crust in situ accumulation of subtype bauxite deposits, with the typical Xinyao Zhangyaoyuan bauxite deposit in Henan. Its reserves account for 5% of this type (type I).
3) Flat fruit type: also known as carbonate in ancient weathering shell in situ accumulation - modern karst accumulation subtype bauxite deposit. The layered ore of the deposit is covered with limestone within a few hundred meters of the thickness of the bedrock. After Quaternary karstification, limestone and bauxite ore are re-weathered into calcium laterite and bauxite ore fragments fall. Stacked ore. It accounts for 15.04% of the total reserves of paleo-weather crust bauxite.
4) Zunyi type: also known as aluminosilicate ancient weathering crust in situ accumulation subtype bauxite deposit, underlying bedrock is fine clastic rock or basic volcanic rock, which is the in situ accumulation of underlying bedrock red earth weathering crust (a few slopes) of bauxite deposits. There is a continuous transition between the bauxite and the underlying bedrock, and the bauxite and the overburden have an erosional section. It accounts for 5.2% of the deposit of Type I deposits.
There is only one sub-category of laterite-type bauxite deposits, which is called the Zhangpu-type laterite-type bauxite deposit. It is a bauxite deposit formed by the modernization (Quaternary) weathering of the Tertiary to Quaternary basalts . Its reserves are very Less, accounting for only 1.17% of China's total bauxite reserves.
Bauxite deposit type