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1 Actual verification of differential pressure in the original design A differential pressure flowmeter was used for air flow measurement. Air is used to adjust copper ratio after regeneration of copper scrap. This set of flowmeters has a design differential pressure of 10KPa. But it has not been able to operate normally. Field operators can only rely on experience to judge and control air flow, accompanied by arbitrariness and blindness to process operations; Excessive air volume can increase the oxygen content in the system and threaten the safety of the system. Considering that the air flow is small, the process piping is small, and the corresponding art parameters in the original design are biased, which makes it theoretically insignificant to verify the original design differential pressure value.
After applying the smart differential pressure transmitter. Use the smart differential pressure transmitter to display the input differential pressure value. The unit can be selected from the specified series, and it is very convenient to actually verify the design differential pressure value. With the cooperation of the post personnel, the actual differential pressure value and the maximum differential pressure value of the flow meter are actually measured. Surprisingly, the maximum differential pressure reached 100KPa. 10 times the original design value, no wonder that the original differential pressure flowmeter can not operate normally. According to the differential pressure value, the smart terminal is used to modify the measurement upper limit of the transmitter and the air flow is automatically measured. Solve the problems that have not been solved in history and have long been troubled.
In differential pressure flowmeter applications. Especially in the measurement of small flow and small pipelines, there may be a series of problems such as detailed description of the process parameters or serious deviation from the actual conditions. The serious error caused by the original setting differential pressure value, resulting in the entire set of flow meter anomalies. At this point, the reference to the smart differential pressure transmitter can play a role in simplifying the use of it directly with the actual measurement of the differential pressure before and after the throttle, according to which the original design value is modified to make difficult problems solved.
2 Simplified system components The smart differential pressure transmitter only needs a simple setting to obtain the output signal that is related to the square root of the input differential pressure signal, and therefore can avoid the use of differential pressure flowmeters. Simplifies the composition of measurement and control systems. The benefits are self-evident. Simultaneously. After the prescribing small signal cut again has its own uniqueness. There are two ways to cut off the small signal. One of them is like a normal squarer, and it is completely cut off when the output signal is smaller than the cutoff point. As shown in Figure l. Call it "zero cut method": The second is when the output signal is smaller than the cut off point. The output signal is linear with the input differential pressure signal. As shown in Figure 2, it is called "linear cut mode." The resection point for both resections was continuously adjustable between 0% and 20%.
3 Reducing the number of meter Spare Parts The nitrogen medium enterprises have measured the flow rate of the hydrogen and fluorine gas mixture in the main line of the ammonia converter tower with large flow rate measurement and low flow rate measurement. Large flow rate for the normal production of the synthesis tower. The small flow rate is used in the temperature-recovery stage after the synthesis tower catalyst is updated. When using a conventional differential pressure transmitter. In the temperature-reduction stage, a small-range differential pressure transmitter (the actual differential pressure value of the plant is 16KPa, and the measurement of the safety gas volume (ie, small flow rate) when the electric furnace heats up) is required; after the temperature-reduction stage is over, the synthesis tower is put into operation. During normal production, it is necessary to re-install a large range of differential pressure transmitter (actual differential pressure value is 254KPa). Usually a conventional differential pressure transmitter does not have such a large turndown ratio. For full production needs, the flow rate The measurement is actually equipped with two differential pressure transmitters, using a smart differential pressure transmitter with a large range ratio, self-setting and self-calibration capabilities, and using it for main line flow measurement, only through the intelligent terminal in the control room. Performs the modification of the small range differential pressure and the large range differential pressure value and accomplishes the same purpose, avoiding the disassembly and assembly verification of the conventional differential pressure transmitter, reducing the maintenance workload of the meter operator, and reducing the number of spare parts tables.
The conventional differential pressure transmitter has a smaller range than Yu. Like the familiar 1151 differential pressure transmitter. The range ratio is 6:1, while the smart transmitter's range ratio can reach at least 30;1. Generally up to 50:1. Obviously. If the smart transmitter is used as a backup for the conventional 4-20mA output transmitter, the specification and quantity of the spare meter can be greatly reduced.
4Easy to set up the on-the-spot display instrument of various parameters conveniently, can make the intelligent transmitter conceal LCD module and display various different data. Such as pressure transmitter. Allows the LCD to directly display the input pressure and the corresponding unit, differential pressure transmitter, which allows the LCD to indicate the unit's own flow engineering value. In some occasions, it is possible to omit the on-site indicating instruments such as pressure gauges and rotameters. Without affecting the on-site monitoring and operation. The LCD display module has a mandatory self-diagnosis display function. Once the measured parameter exceeds the range or the transmitter itself fails, the LCD will display the error code instead of the display of the original set parameters, which will facilitate timely troubleshooting. If you pass the smart terminal, you can read more process information from the transmitter.
Application of Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter
The following examples of practical applications of smart transmitters, to play a variety of features to solve the various problems in the process control scene: It is necessary to point out that there are various types of smart transmitters on the market. The intrinsic features will not be the same, so the individual examples cited in this article may not necessarily be generic. Please draw the reader's reference.